Thursday, August 27, 2009

120 Hats!

I am so proud to announce that The Crochet Guild of America has donated 120 hats to Knits For Needs! The Crochet Guild of America is a not-for-profit educational organization dedicated to preserving and advancing the art of crochet. Within it's membership is a group of professional crocheters who work in many aspects of the crochet industry. Among the professional members are designers, teachers, editors, manufacturers, publishers, and contract crocheters. One of our lovely supporters, named Jocelyn, told the group about Knits For Needs and they decided to donate their hats that they made at their Professional Development Day in Buffalo to our organization. All of the yarn for the hats was donated by Lion Brand Yarn, who also sponsored the event!

When I received the boxes of hats I was so excited that I couldn't wait to count them and also add them to what we have already collected. So as I sat amongst a huge pile of items, I learned that we have collected 207 items!! Now, we have already donated 117 items this year, so add these two figures together and we have a whopping total of 324 items (already donated or will be donated by end of year)!! So what does that leave us? 76? 76 more items need to be received for us to reach our lofty goal of 400 items donated in 2009. I think we're going to do it!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Fiber Arts Friday

Please visit and read Fiber Arts Friday on Alpacafarmgirl's blog... Merf's Turf and Knits For Needs are listed there today!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

39 Prayer Squares

Today I'm sending out 39 prayer squares to the group Knit Wits, who attaches a charm and a prayer to each square and sends them to cancer patients, who hold their square while praying. I personally love this idea so much for several reasons. Although they are small, the message is powerful: we care about you. Imagine going through such a stressful and frightening time as chemo treatment and imagine how wonderful you'd feel if given an item that a perfect stranger took the time to create for just for you. The yarn is not important. The stitch is not important. The LOVE is the key, and the fact that you're taking the time to knit/crochet these squares, even just one, means that you do have the love for that stranger who needs some support in this very critical time in their life. I also love these squares because they are so easy and quick to work up, and they put to use those yarn scraps that you were wondering what to do with.
Thank you so much to all who have contributed to this project!! And, don't worry if you have not gotten your squares in yet.... just knit/crochet in your own time and send in when you can... no hurry. This is an ongoing project.
**Update.. I just went to send the squares and I received 10 more from Michele!!! Thank you so much! So the total that I sent in today was 49, not 39.**